Kettlebell Swings and how to do them safely

·      Benefits of using a kettlebell – Better cardiorespiratory fitness, greater power and explosiveness, powerful calorie burn, full body workout, quick and convenient exercise, low impact exercise and a stronger posterior chain,

·      Summary – swings using a kettlebell are a high intensity, low impact exercise that helps improve your cardio fitness, strength, and explosive power

·      Muscles a Kettlebell swing works – Kettlebell swings are considered as a full body workout, in particular the muscles of the posterior chain Including the glutes, calves, rhomboids, trapezius, hamstrings and the erector spinae

How to do a kettlebell swing –

·      1 – Your feet should be shoulder width apart while standing, hold the kettlebell with both hands (palms facing toward you) and arms straight down

·      2 – Push your hips back and slightly bend your knees to bring the kettlebell between your legs. Make sure you engage your core and keep your back straight

·      3 – Contract your glutes and push your hips forward to lift your body into a standing position. Let your arms swing the kettlebell as far as it naturally can go. The kettlebell should be shoulder height or parallel to the ground (try not to use arm strength to raise the kettlebell

·      4 – Lower the kettlebell between your legs by pushing your hips back and slightly bending your knees

Make sure you concentrate on proper form throughout the movement to stop the potential of getting a lower back injury.

Summery – focus on hinging your hips during the lowering phase, this will help with the power so you can perform the move effectively and safely


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