Does drinking more water help you lose weight

Water consumption is associated with increased sympathetic activity. Your sympathetic system activates the heart rate and metabolism. So drinking water could possibly increase your metabolic rate and how many calories you burn.  


It can help burn calories and reduce hunger cravings. As water has no calories it would be a good idea to replace sugary drinks with water.


The recommendation for daily water intake is around 2 litres. Keep in mind that you also get water from many foods and beverages like tea, coffee, milk, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables.



·      Choosing to drink water over high calorie drinks will help you consume fewer calories, this could help if you aren’t monitoring your nutrition or dieting

·      Another way to support weight loss would be to drink water as it can stimulate your body to break down fat without raising blood sugar and insulin

·      If you have problems with your metabolism or have obesity, drinking water may help burn more calories


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